The Global Church Network is synergistically partnered with thousands of organizations and more than 700,000 churches around the globe, spanning virtually every denomination, stream, and world region. We have assembled a FINISH 2030 CAMPAIGN TEAM made up of some of the greatest Christian leaders in the U.S. and around the world.

The Global Church Network has chosen a world-class location for the FINISH Asia Summit. All of the plenary sessions will take place at the SEMISUD Church of God in Sangolqui, Ecuador. Av. Antonio Tandazo s/n junto al Cementerio Jardines del ValleSangolquí, Pichincha, Ecuador
Be sure to reserve your room or rooms for you and your key leaders at the Wyndham Quito Airport.
The FINISH SOUTH AMERICA SUMMIT will convene on May 11-12, 2021. Due to space limitations, only 8 to 10 leaders from each South American Nation will be able to attend. So, please register early! The registration fee includes all meeting resources and three catered meals.
If you are a Global Church Network member, please use the Member Login box at the top right to enter your email address and password. If you are not a Global Church Network member, please sign up below. Then, you will be directed to the brief registration process for FINISH SOUTH AMERICA SUMMIT.
The registration cost is $200 per person. If you have been provided a promo code then enter it during the registration process to receive a discount. The FINISH SOUTH AMERICA SUMMIT will be arranged in 60 tables of eight seats. If you are registering a group of 8 leaders (an entire table of 8), then during the registration process, please indicate this. We are encouraging key leaders to bring a group of leaders from their nation or region.
We look forward to synergizing and mobilizing the Body of Christ throughout South America to complete the Great Commission by 2030! Sign Up today!